
Wunjo (woon-joh) is the eighth and final rune of the first aett. It represents perfection, bliss, and joy. It has no negative associations; it depicts a perfect, Garden of Eden type world of childish perfection, where everyone shares playfully no one is left wanting.

There is a like-mindedness and harmony here. It is sometimes called the wishing rune, and is used in manifestation.


Gebo (yay-bow) is the seventh rune of the first aett. It represents a gift or exchange (including that of hostages), and reminds us of debts that are due. We constantly owe to the gods, we must honour them, give offerings, and honour our ancestors. We must be grateful and give back.

It represents legal contracts, the Law of Wyrd (similar to karma) and reminds us that what you put out comes back to you.


Raido (rye-doh) is the fifth rune of the first aett. It literally means “riding” or “journey.” It represents the path ahead, or the right way.

Raido is also associated with leadership, or “taking the reins.” It represents the ordered movement of celestial bodies, like the path or the sun across the sky.

Raido is associated with Lammas.


Ansuz (awn-sooz) is the fourth rune of the first aett. It represents order, consciousness, and communication. It is associated with Odin.


It is associated with planning, intellect, and the ability to make choices and create order.

Ansuz is associated with Lammas.


Uruz (oo-rooz) is the second rune of the first aett. It represents elemental ice, the primal ice of Niflheim.


It indicates the patient will to survive, and carries implications of perseverance, endurance, and the aggression behind survival. It can mean you need to wait, or be used for healing. It is associated with the auroch, a species of undomesticated cattle, as opposed to the domesticated cattle related to Fehu.

Uruz is associated with Litha.


Fehu (fay-hoo) is the first rune of the first aett. It represents primordial fire, the primal fire of Muspelheim.


It is associated with domesticated cattle, a form of measurable and movable wealth. There is responsibility associated with the wealth, because cattle take care and responsibility to maintain. Wealth takes work. It also indicates exchange and barter, because the trade of livestock was a major part of pastoral life.

Visually, it is reminiscent of a wheat sheaf or grains on a stalk. It can be associated with Niord, the god associated with wealth, and also Frey and Freyja, because they are fertility deities associated with the cattle born in spring. It is interesting to note that these are all Vanir gods.

Fehu can be associated with Litha.